Greetings from Woodapple Farms. Here in Central Florida, spring gives way to summer in the blink of an eye. Time to shut the windows and turn on the air conditioner. Planting in the gardens is finished and now we tend to weeds, manage pests & disease, and hope for a harvest. We are die-hard gardeners […]
Read MoreApril 24, 2018. Of Pastures & Cows Greetings from Woodapple Farms! The big news on the farm this week was the arrival of our own bull. We’ve begged, borrowed and leased breeder bulls for many years, but all of our convenient option had dried up. So, it was high time we invested in our own […]
Read MoreWoodapple Farms; April 16, 2018 To Bee or Not to Bee Pollinators play a crucial role on our farm and we don’t want to take them for granted. It turns out there are a lot of pollinators on our farm, and not just of the honey bee variety. To be sure, we have plenty of […]
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